Monday, March 19, 2012

Free Festive Eye Exercise Tool to Improve Eyesight

It’s that time of year when all the festive decorations get hidden away in the attic or cupboard for another year. However, this year there is one decoration you might want to keep out. Those of you who have been following my other blog posts have probably already guessed that it’s something to do with activating and improving peripheral vision whilst resting the central vision. You would be right in thinking so, and the decoration I am talking about are flashing lights.

Flashing lights in the periphery, whilst having the central vision blocked, works the rod cells, which are responsible for detecting movement and dim light. In our modern day life, we tend to overuse our central vision by using computers, reading books, watching TV etc. This means that we under-use our peripheral vision. I wish we could change this by spending our days paying more attention to our periphery, but its highly unlikely given that most of our livelihoods depend on the ability to spend most of our time focusing with our central vision. Unfortunately, this is not what nature intended. In fact, it was our periphery that kept us alive all those years in the jungle, by sensing when danger was coming and make us better hunters.

Think of someone working at their desk in a busy office. If they were paying attention to their periphery, they would find it very hard to fully concentrate on what they were doing and probably get no work done. For a lot of us, our survival now depends on our ability to work one foot in front of us instead of being out in the wild. This creates an imbalance between the central and peripheral vision, creating strain and making us overwork one and under-use the other. What the lights do for us is work the underused peripheral vision and rest the overused central vision.

Now, I am not expecting you to turn off all the lights in the office and put on flashing festive lights. This would probably only serve to create more strain as you would probably find a notice on your desk suggesting you find somewhere else to work. However, you can, from time to time, try to tune into your surroundings when at work. Then, when you get the chance, you would exercise your periphery in the dark with the lights. Of course not everyone works in an office and will find that they have more opportunities to perform this eye exercise.

One thing that I like about using festively flashing lights for eye exercises is their versatility, meaning they can suit many different eye conditions. For example, someone who simply feels eyestrain from overusing their central vision and wants to rest, can just take 10 minutes out of their day, sit in a dark room, turn the flashing lights on and put them in their peripheral field, blocking their central vision with a piece of black construction paper.

However, someone with a specific condition such as Retinitis Pigmentosa, Optic Atrophy or Glaucoma, can manipulate where the lights go so that the flashing occurs where the individual finds it difficult to see. This helps stimulate the cells in that area, helping to wake the cells back up. Also, depending on what kind of flashing lights you have, you can change what speed the flash goes at and what pattern it moves to. For example, flashing one at a time or all together.

If you want to read more on how my eyesight is improving and tips/advice on how you can improve your eyesight and find out more about eye exercises then head over to:

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Happy Healing :-)

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