Monday, February 4, 2013

Rainy Day Eye Exercises Part 2

Don’t let those rainy days keep you from doing your eye exercises.  Keep your vision improvement program on track! In this second of three blog post series, I will be sharing with you a great eye exercise that can be performed when venturing outside is not an option.

This great eye exercise that will help improve your eyesight is called the “Palming Eye Exercise’. Palming is a cornerstone eye exercise for all those people wanting to improve eyesight, but it also seems to be the most difficult one for people to do. It could be linked with people wanting to be active and finding it difficult to sit and do nothing for an extended period of time.

Rainy day eye exercise part 2

This is why rainy miserable weather is a great time to work on palming and to experiment with different lengths of time. It will show you the great benefits palming has to offer and, you may also find, that your eyes feel much better after palming for longer periods of time.

Palming works best when the room is dark to allow the optic nerve to completely rest. Due to the dark grim weather that normally is associated with rain, you can take full advantage of this and Palm.

Palming is best done in the morning when you are fully rested and is best used to prevent strain, instead of overcoming it. However, I am not saying Palming should not be used when our eyes are tired, in fact, on the contrary, palming is a great eye exercise to use when we feel tired.

Most of us have heard prevention is better than cure and palming is a great example of that. By palming in the mornings, we have consciously rested the eyes before another hard days work. It also allows us to be more in tune with our eyes throughout the day to make sure we are not straining. As always, I would love to hear your feedback on this post or any of my posts.

If you want to read more on how my eyesight is improving and tips/advice on how you can improve your eyesight and find out more about eye exercises then head over to:

You can also keep up-to-date on the latest vision improvement information and my updates on: Twitter or Facebook and my Facebook Fan Page

You can also subscribe to my You Tube Channel You Tube Channel

Happy Healing :-)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rainy Day Eye Exercises Part 1

Rainy Day Eye Exercises Part 1
Everybody likes doing eye exercises when it is a beautiful sunny day and our eyes feel active, rejuvenated and are seeing clearer. However, what about those days when it’s miserable outside and as much as you want to improve your eyesight, the last thing you want to do is leave the house.

Unfortunately, not all of us are lucky enough to have continual sunny nice weather all year round. It is important to be able to adapt your eye exercises to your surroundings because consistency is key with an eye exercise program and wanting to improve your eyesight naturally.

In this first of three posts I will be sharing with you ways to adapt eye exercises so that they are better suited for poor weather. I will also show you which eye exercise that you can benefit from not being able to go outside.

Rainy Day Eye Exercises

The first eye exercise that can be done when the sun does not have his hat on is the ‘Skying Eye Exericse”. This can be done instead of sunning but still allows you to get all the great benefits that the sun has to offer.

What if you still do not want to leave the house? Well as a substitute, you can try full spectrum lights. These are designed to mimic the sun’s full spectrum of light. If you do not know what I am talking about, you can find them in our resources section.

The sun is around 10,000 watts, which would be difficult to replicate and even if you could, I do not think you would appreciate the electricity bill! So, it is important to keep in mind the light is not to replace the sun. However, on those rainy days or if you are limited to sun, it is better to adapt than not do the exercise at all.

Instead of performing the Sunning Eye Exercise outside with the sun, simply place the light in front of you as if it were the sun. close your eyes and turn your head from side to side. Although other benefits such as vitamin D are lost, you still get to work the constrictor muscles in the iris, which make the pupil small. When you turn the head again, the pupil dilates.

As always, I would love to hear your feedback on this post or any of my posts.

If you want to read more on how my eyesight is improving and tips/advice on how you can improve your eyesight and find out more about eye exercises then head over to:

You can also keep up-to-date on the latest vision improvement information and my updates on: Twitter or Facebook and my Facebook Fan Page

You can also subscribe to my You Tube Channel You Tube Channel

Happy Healing :-)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Top Tip for Eye Exercise Success

Eye exercises are an essential part of vision improvement. So then, how can we make sure we are not making the big mistake that so many of those who start doing eye exercises make?

Whether it is taking up running, yoga or any new activity, it seems to be human nature to try and be the best and get the quickest results possible in the smallest amount of time. As a consequence, time and time again, people find themselves getting injured or becoming unmotivated to continue the activity the following week or month.

 I am sure you have heard the phrase, 'The best things come to those who wait'. Well, instead of waiting, simply try to take your time when doing something new, especially when performing eye exercises. Instead of rushing to improve your eyesight, try to be relaxed when you are performing them.
Our eyes are under so much hidden strain through daily overuse, performing the eye exercises under further strain will work them too hard and could be the opposite of beneficial. Although, there are some eye exercises like palming, sunning and distance looking that are very relaxing in themselves, there are other eye exercises, like convergence, that are not.

 The easiest way to be relaxed when trying to improve your eyesight with eye exercise is to have a relaxed mindset when performing them. Try to think of them as part of your daily routine and don’t expect any immediate results. Keep a vision journal and make notes of any negative emotions or frustrations you may be experiencing when performing the eye exercises.

top tip for eye exercise  The ideal end result from doing your eye exercises is a sense of visual relaxation. Your eyes should feel either more relaxed or more active in a positive way, rather than a sense of being overworked and strained. As with most activities in the body, the activities function better when the body and mind are relaxed.

It can be difficult and frustrating to learn, but performing the eye exercises in a relaxed way will help reduce eyestrain and improve eyesight quicker and better than under strain. As always, I would love to hear your feedback on this post or any of my posts.

If you want to read more on how my eyesight is improving and tips/advice on how you can improve your eyesight and find out more about eye exercises then head over to:

You can also keep up-to-date on the latest vision improvement information and my updates on: Twitter or Facebook and my Facebook Fan Page

You can also subscribe to my You Tube Channel You Tube Channel

Happy Healing :-)

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Hunger Games Eye Exercise

Can the Hunger Games really improve eyesight!? Am I suggesting you volunteer to enter the hunger games competition and start killing fellow humans? No...thankfully there is a safer way to improve your eyesight, by doing an easy and simple eye exercise.

 The eye exercise that will help improve your eyesight and in particular help reduce eye strain is related to eye dominance. To help explain this i will use the example of the main character in the Hunger Games movie Katniss Everdeen. Like all humans Katniss has a dominant eye that she relies on and uses more than the other.

 The dominant eye is developed from a young age when the develops a better brain eye connection and more nerve growth. The dominant eye can fixate and react quicker than than the other. Just like having a dominant hand it allows us to function better with that one particular eye.

 A great example of this would be when Katniss is in the Hunger Games uses the bow and arrow to aim at targets. The eye that she is using to aim with would be her dominant eye as this is the eye that she favors and will allow most accurate results. The Hunger Games eye exercise
Another example in our everyday lives rather than hunter other humans, is when we use a camera. The next time you take a photo you will realise that you use one particular eye every time. This eye will tend to be your dominant eye.

 There is a simple test for dominance which involves holding both hands up overlapping them creating a circle. Whilst looking at an object in the distance with both eyes open, close your left eye then your right. The eye which maintains the object is your dominant eye. For more details on finding your dominance you can follow this link.

 The problem with our modern day use of dominance is that we heavily over use it in our daily lives reading and using computers etc. This in balance of both eyes creates excessive strain on the visual system and overuse of the dominant eye creating fatigue. Whereas, Katniss who, in the hunger games, is using her eyes how nature intended by hunting and gathering for food etc, and is not creating the same strain we do.

 However, it would be unrealistic to ask everyone to take up hunting especially when it puts your life on the line! Instead you can perform the eye exercise of covering your dominant eye. This allows the dominant eye to rest and give the non dominant eye a chance to work.

 This eye exercise can be done by using a small piece of paper stuck to the bridge of the nose covering the dominant eye. You can also wear a pair of sunglass’s with one lens removed with the remaining lens covered with tape.

 Ideally you would be outside when performing this eye exercise covering, but you can also use it will doing house chores, reading a book, using the computer or watching TV. In particular performing this eye exercise while watching movies like The Hunger Games has particular benefit because there is plenty of fast action. This allows the eye to track quickly the action on the movie screen making the non dominant eye more active.

 However, those of you who are not familiar in doing this eye exercise and working the non dominant eye should start by doing it in small intervals of 5 or 10 minutes. The last thing we want to do is create more strain the non dominant eye so take is slow to begin with. As always, I would love to hear your feedback on this post or any of my posts.

If you want to read more on how my eyesight is improving and tips/advice on how you can improve your eyesight and find out more about eye exercises then head over to:

You can also keep up-to-date on the latest vision improvement information and my updates on: Twitter or Facebook and my Facebook Fan Page

You can also subscribe to my You Tube Channel You Tube Channel

Happy Healing :-)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Retinitis Pigmentosa Eye Exercise to Improve Eyesight

This week's blog was inspired by an email from one of our audience members who has Retinitis Pigmentosa and is working hard to improve his eyesight. However, he was unsure on some of the finer details in relation to the main eye exercise to help improve RP, which is the peripheral vision eye exercise.

Those of you who have not seen my blog The Eye Exercise That's Saving My Eyesight and do not know the peripheral vision eye exercise, it is when you individually place three different sized papers between the eyes and wave an object or your hands in the periphery.

This allows the central vision to rest and prevents it from dominating your vision. Your brain then starts picking up the information from the periphery rather than your central vision. Over time, this strengthens the brain's response to the periphery and the 120 million rods cells found in each eye.

It is common for people to want to know how to position their hands when performing the peripheral vision eye exercise and whether they should be seeing the hands or not. For those of you who do not know, Retinitis Pigmentosa is where the rods cells found in the periphery start to lose their strength and in return, the periphery becomes more difficult to access.

Retinitis pigmentods eye exercise
Somebody without RP can typically wave their hands next to their ears and still see them, whereas many people with Retinitis Pigmentosa could be waving their hands next to their eyes and not notice.

This is why the question of whether or not someone with RP should wave their hands where they can see them or not is such a good question.

The answer is... we want to work both places. In self healing, we always want to maintain and rest what is strong, but strengthen what is weak. This can be very difficult at times, especially as few of us like to work with what is weak within us. It can be very frustrating at times, but the benefits can be very rewarding.

Waving the hands where you can still see them is important as it maintains the strength of those cells and keeps them active. By working the areas that you cannot see, or as I like say not as clear as other areas, you are strengthening those weaker cells and helping to wake up those cells already dormant.

This may seem pointless at first, as you wave your hands in the periphery without noticing much, however, over time you will start to notice an increased awareness of movement in the periphery. You may also find waving colored paper in the periphery instead of just your hands may also help. In fact, anything that you may think would be easier for you to see can be used.

We recommend people using flashing lights in the dark so that the weaker cells can pick up the light more easily and be strengthened more from there. It would be an interesting self experiment to wave your hands in a particular area where you have difficulty seeing and then go to a dark room and flash a light in the same area to see if you notice it.

Some places you may not notice it, which is where you have more work to do, but other places that you otherwise thought did not exist are in fact still active and waiting to be used. You can find out more about flashing lights in the periphery in my blog post A Free Festival Eye Exercise Tool.

Do not forget that when we say 'exercise the periphery', we also mean both upper and lower periphery. This may mean playing with some of the sizes of the paper so that you can wave around the areas that are not seeing as well as others. As always, I would love to hear your feedback on this post or any of my posts.

If you want to read more on how my eyesight is improving and tips/advice on how you can improve your eyesight and find out more about eye exercises then head over to:

You can also keep up-to-date on the latest vision improvement information and my updates on: Twitter or Facebook and my Facebook Fan Page

You can also subscribe to my You Tube Channel You Tube Channel

Happy Healing :-)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Does Juicing Improve Eyesight?

To get a better understanding of why juicing is so good for our eyesight, we need to look at nutrition as a whole. After many years of studying nutrition, it is clear to me that our body needs ample amounts of natural vitamins and minerals to help sustain its high performance and functions.

This of course can be obtained from a good well balanced diet containing mainly of vegetables and fruits. If you think about the average western diet, our meals consist mainly of meats and carbohydrates, such as potatoes, and only a small portion of vegetables. So why is it so improtant to get plenty of vitamins and minerals? I like to use the analogy of building a house to help with this.

Image you were building a house and had a choice of poor quality material and high quality material. Clearly you would go for the high quality as you want the house to be strong, function well and remain so for as long as possible. Try to think of the body in the same way.

The better the material you are using to make up the body, by this I mean the cells, than the better the overall structure is going to be. This becomes even more important when you want to overcome a condition such as retinitis pigmentosa as you really do need the best materials available on the market.

Understanding this makes it easier to see why juicing would be a benefit because you are taking all those great materials and condensing them into a liquid and a sizable amount that you can consume. As much as I wish I could, it is difficult to eat the same amount of nutrients that you can get from the juice.
carrots improve eyesightThink of it as a boost of natural nutrients which is then being sent around the body to help build, rejuvenate and heal the body. When it comes to juicing for the eyes we should focus on vitamin A.

This vitamin plays an essential role in how eyesight functions and is a key player in changing light into electrical signals that go to the brain to process the image. Caratene, which is what gives carrots their orange colour, is a great natural source of vitamin A. It can also be found in red, orange and yellow vegetables.

Lutein, which can be found in most dark green leafy vegetables, such as kale and spinach, is also essential for the eyes as they produce a yellow pigment in the eye and protects it from UV light.

The yellow area is called the macula, which is why some say getting enough lutein in your diet can help against macular degeneration.

Instead of spending hours searching for which foods are best for eyesight, you will find that in general, green leafy vegetables are best and contain most nutrients for healthy vision. Combine these with carrots, beets and other colorful vegetables for a strong boost of vitamin A and a more desirable taste.

If you want to read more on how my eyesight is improving and tips/advice on how you can improve your eyesight and find out more about eye exercises then head over to:

You can also keep up-to-date on the latest vision improvement information and my updates on: Twitter or Facebook and my Facebook Fan Page

You can also subscribe to my You Tube Channel You Tube Channel

Happy Healing :-)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Can Blood Flow Improve Eyesight?

It's something none of us can live without... but can having better blood flow help improve eyesight? To answer this question it helps to remember the blood’s basic functions, one of which is transporting oxygen and nutrients around the body. Without this function, each system, such as the digestive or muscular systems, could not function properly. For example, the nutrients could not be taken away form the digestive system to the rest of the body and the muscles could not receive the energy it needs to work. 

Every cell in our body needs oxygen and nutrients to survive and function properly. The more access our cells have to supplies, the better they can function. Think of a poor postal service as an example, if the deliveries don’t makes it on time and your lively hood relies on getting the mail, your business and life starts to suffer. This makes it easy to understand how having good blood flow is a great advantage to the eyes and can help us see clearer.

Those who want to improve their eyesight can see how better blood flow could also help improve their eyesight by helping the eye function to its best and get all the supplies it needs for good vision. So why do we have poor blood flow? I have identified three main areas that I feel contribute to this in today's society.

The first is exercise. More and more of us are experiencing sedentary lifestyles as office work replaces manual labor. Also, we are becoming less active in our leisure time, like watching TV and surfing the Internet, instead of going for walks. Another cause of poor blood flow can be diet. Eating food high in saturated fat contributes to the arteries clogging and restricting the amount of blood that can pass through. Good flow improves eyesight

Reducing foods high in fat, checking the labels on foods and understanding the nutrition value are all steps in the right direction when it comes to reducing fat in or diets.

Finally muscle tension is a big contributor to poor blood flow. If our muscles are tight, the amount of blood that can pass through the body freely is restricted. Furthermore, if the muscles are tight with a lot of tension, they are also receiving less blood.

By loosening the muscles, we allow better blood flow throughout the whole body, but most importantly, we can target places to loosen. For example, we can loosen the muscles in the neck to allow more blood flow to the eyes.

Clearly the benefits of good blood flow are not restricted to the eye. However, when looking at the fundamental jobs that good blood flow provides, we can see that eyesight can be improved by focusing on this essential function.

Please use the comment box below or email me at to let me know how you get on with the eye exercises and if you find any interesting new ways of doing them :-)

If you want to read more on how my eyesight is improving and tips/advice on how you can improve your eyesight and find out more about eye exercises then head over to:

You can also keep up-to-date on the latest vision improvement information and my updates on: Twitter or Facebook and my Facebook Fan Page
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Happy Healing :-)